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Technology for Success

Monument Impact offers instruction in Spanish and Farsi while using software programs developed in English. Our rigorous beginning and intermediate programs offer progressive skill development that leads to Caminos, our career track program which combines advanced skills with professional development. Classes are geared to participants:

  • Seeking a job
  • Looking to advance in their current industry and/or for a promotion
  • Who own a family business and want to learn how to manage it more efficiently
  • Who are on a path to higher education
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“The class has helped grow my knowledge of computers and I have better communication with my coworkers and boss. I feel more capable of handling challenging projects and tasks at work and in my personal life.”

Wendy Cazun, Intermediate Technology Student

What We Offer

Computer Basics – 10 weeks, in-person & online in Spanish + online in Farsi
  • Microsoft Windows, including file management and login procedures
  • Setting up, using Email, and sending attachments
  • Safe internet navigation
  • Microsoft Word, creating & saving simple documents
Introduction to Microsoft Office (Intermediate)  –  in-person & online in Spanish; online in Farsi*
  • Microsoft Office Word – 6 weeks
    Learn to create documents with a professional appearance
  • Microsoft Office Excel – 6 weeks
    Learn cell and data formatting and how to use basic formulas and functions; create a family budget.
  • Microsoft Office PowerPoint –  6 weeks
    Learn to create engaging and professional visual presentations
Caminos – online, in Spanish only*

Offered twice annually, this intensive 20-week class, includes:

  • Advanced Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Outlook
  • Microsoft Office Online and OneDrive
  • Quickbooks
  • English (ESL) In partnership Mt. Diablo Adult Education
  • Professional Development, including resume development, job search and more
  • Mock interviews
New technology classes start in January 2024.

* A placement evaluation is required.

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“I have no words to express my gratitude to Monument Impact. I have been taking computer classes since 2018. I have learned skills that I am using currently in my community college class.”

Analy Ludvik, Caminos graduate

Employment Placement Services for Caminos Graduates

Caminos graduates interested in employment or a promotion can take advantage of our employment placement services. We focus on building relationships with local businesses to find the best possible career opportunities for our Caminos graduates.

Services include:

  • Access to workshops such as financial literacy and trainings for small businesses
  • Job fairs
  • 1:1 coaching
  • Help with job applications and cover letters
  • Ongoing support for up to 12 months post-employment
  • Alumni events


Pittsburg Unified School District
Mt. Diablo Adult Education
Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center
Hispanic Federation
Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation

Negocios Hispanos de Concord
Balance Financially Empowering You (with Patelco & Diablo Valley Federal Credit Union)
Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce

More Information

If you are interested in signing up for a computer class or would like more information, please complete this intake form.

Luisa Ortega, Technology Instructor, luisa@monumentimpact.org
Eva Chena, Asset Building Manager, eva@monumentimpact.org